7197 Owner’s Manual Chapter 2: Setting Up and Using the Printer13 November 2002Resetting the PrinterThe printer is reset by disconnecting/reconnecting the DC power.Connecting the CablesThere are three different types of cables that connect to the printer:• Power supply cable supplying power from the power supply• Communication cable (RS-232 or USB) connecting the printer to the host computer• Cash drawer cable connecting the printer to one or two cash drawersCaution: Disconnect the power before connecting the cables. Always connect thecommunication cable and cash drawer cables before connecting power to the powersupply. Always disconnect power to the power supply before disconnecting thecommunication and cash drawer cables.Follow these steps to connect the cables. See the illustration on the next page.1. Unplug the power supply from its power source.2. Connect the power and communication cables to their respective connectors underthe printer as shown in the illustration.For the RS232 Cable, be sure to screw the communication cable to the communicationconnector.3. Route the cables through the cable strain relief on the bottom of the printer, thenthrough the two slots in the cable access cover as shown in the illustration.4. Connect the communication cable to the appropriate host computer connector.5. Connect the cash drawer cable to the printer and cash drawer.The connectors is a standard phone jack located at the rear of the printer.6. Plug the power cord into the power supply for remote power supply installation,then plug the power supply into an outlet.