NAPCO Security Systems LIBRA LIB-P432EX Series Programming InstructionsPage 23The displays shown on the previous pages will appear after a brief delay. Use w to toggle the cursor between the 4-digit address field and the data entry locations. Enter the address directly using the number buttons. The contents of the address will be read automatically, along with the feature name and programming information.The cursor will advance to the data field. Enter the required data directly using the number buttons. Press u to save the contents of each address.EXIT DIRECT ADDRESS PROGRAM MODE: When done, press RESET (y) to exit and resume normal keypadoperation.CONVENTIONS USED IN THIS MANUALThe Keypad Programming Worksheets in the back are provided as an address-programming reference to help theinstaller modify his custom default program or to makeminor field alterations to an existing panel program. It isrecommended that the panel be uploaded to NAPCO'sPCD-Windows software following any keypadprogramming and that the PCD-Windows error-checkfeature be utilized to reduce the possibility ofprogramming omissions or conflicts.Note: Most of the addresses shown comprise two dataentry locations, left and right digits. Program the leftdigits on the left data-display segment, and the right digiton the right segment. For those addresses having onlyone programmable nibble, program the right segmentonly; the left segment should display a blank (•).3Keep the Keypad Programming Worksheets on file forfuture reference.General Programming Steps1. Contact the central station to ascertain receiverformat, data format, event codes, subscribernumbers and telephone number(s).2. Select the desired features by circling therespective “address” boxes. Refer to theProgramming Options and Worksheets forguidance in selecting the “data” (1,2,4,8) to beentered into those boxes.3. Program the data entered in the boxes on theworksheets into the respective addresses. Thedisplay will show the entry numerically, but willdisplay “0” for the number 10, and letters “B”, “C”,“D”, “E”, and “F” for the numbers 11 through 15,respectively. To program a 10, press G0. To program 11 through 15, press G1 through G5, respectively.NOTE: See the Direct Address Programming Example on the previous page.DATA ENTRY SELECTIONS(BINARY VALUE CIRCLED) ENTRYTOTALPRESSN KEYPADDISPLAYS8 4 2 1 blank 0 •8 4 2 1 1 18 4 1 2 2 28 4 3 3 38 " 2 1 4 4 48 " 2 5 5 58 " 1 6 6 68 " 7 7 7& 4 2 1 8 8 8& 4 2 9 9 9& 4 1 10 G 0 0& 4 11 G 1 B& " 2 1 12 G 2 C& " 2 13 G 3 D& " 1 14 G 4 E& " 15 G 5 FTable 1 (above). Determining data entry for a location (each“nibble”). Numbers in parentheses indicate data for selectedzones or features. (See Programming Worksheets thatfollow).