ADjUSTING LISTENING MODESSeveral of the T 775’s listening modes have one or more selectable variations and adjustableparameters that you can modify to suit you system or personal preferences. At Listening Mode menu,use a combination of ENTER and keys to navigate and effect desired settings.NOTEListening Mode parameter changes are maintained when you change listening modes. You mayalso save a modified Listening Mode for easy recall by saving it to a Preset (See ‘A/V Presets’ belowunder Setup Menu discussions).DOLBY PRO LOGIC IIxPLIIx MOVIE is optimized for film soundtracks.PLIIx MUSIC for music recordingsCENTER WIDTH (0 to 7): Modifies the “hard-centeredness” of the center image, by gradually mixingmono center content to the Front left/right speakers as well. A setting of 0 retains the center-channel-only default while a setting of 7 yields a fully phantom center channel.DIMENSION (-7 to +7): Adjusts front-rear emphasis of the surround effect independently from therelative channel levels.PANORAMA (On/Off ): Adds a “wraparound” effect by extending some stereo content into thesurround channels.NOTEPro Logic IIx mode will decode as Pro Logic II mode when the BACK surround speakers are set to“OFF” from “Speaker Configurations” menu. See also section about “Speaker Configurations” under“Speaker Settings” of the Setup Menu.DTS NEO: 6Neo: 6 CINEMA is optimized for film soundtracks.Neo: 6 MUSIC for music recordingsCENTER GAIN (0 to 0.5): Adjust for better center image in relation to the surround sound channels.DSP OPTIONSDSP Options has the feature ‘Lip Sync Delay’ whose function is to match any delay that may occur inthe picture relative to the audio.By varying ‘Lip Sync Delay’ from 0ms to 120ms, one can delay the audio output in order to synchronizeit with the video image.TONE CONTROLSThe T 775 has three Tone Control levels – Treble, Bass and Center Dialog. Bass and Treble controls onlyaffect the low bass and high treble leaving the critical midrange frequencies free of coloration. TheCenter Dialog (‘Dialog’ in the VFD) control boosts the ‘presence’ of the midrange region improvingintelligibility of speech.These controls allow one to tweak on-the-fly, the frequency response of the source during playback.The control setting could be adjusted by navigating through the Tone Controls’ OSD menu via acombination of ENTER and keys. The same can be managed directly by pressing the front panel’s‘TONE CONTROLS’ button and then rotating the Volume knob to select desired setting.Maximum and minimum values for all three Tone Control levels are +/- 10 dB‘Tone Defeat’ gives one the choice of varying or completely bypassing the tone control section of theT 775. If ‘Off’ (‘Tone Active’ in the VFD) is selected, the Tone Control circuits are active.Select ‘On’ (‘Tone Defeat’ in the VFD) to bypass the Tone Controls effectively defeating the effect of thetone control circuits.OPERATIONUSING THE T 775 – MAIN MENU15ENGLISHFRANÇAISESPAÑOLITALIANODEUTSCHNEDERLANDSSVENSKAРУССКИЙ