4 Press and hold [ENTER] button to check the strength of the incomingsignal. The more segments visible in the lower display line, the strongerthe signal. By changing the position of the antenna, you can increasethe signal strength. You can also opt for an external antenna. Consult anantenna professional for more information.Signal Strength||||||||||||NOTE“No Service List” will also be shown in the VFD when no stations arefound after the scanning process. If this occurs, check the connectionand position of the DAB antenna or call your local DAB broadcastproviders for coverage information.SERVICE LISTFollow the steps below to select through the DAB service stations found.1 At DAB mode, press [ A/S ] to step through the list of available stationsas shown in the lower display line of the VFD.DAB P--$CBC R2 %2 Press [ENTER] to select the desired station.DAB TUNER MODEAside from “Full Scan” and “Local Scan” as already described above, pressingthe [TUNER MODE] button will also present you with other options namely- Station Order, DRC, Manual Scan, Prune List and Reset.STATION ORDERUse “Station Order” to sort the sequence of the listed stations. There arethree orders - Alphanumeric, Ensemble and Active.1 While listening to a DAB broadcast, press [TUNER MODE] button and[ A/S ] to select “Station Order”. Press [ENTER].2 Toggle [ A/S ] to select through “Alphanumeric”, “Ensemble” and “Active”.3 Press [ENTER] to select desired station order.ALPHANUMERICThis is the default setting. Stations are arranged by numbers first and thenalphabetically by letters.ENSEMBLEDigital radio is broadcast as groups of data called ensemble. Each ensemblecontains a number of stations, transmitted at a set frequency. When“Ensemble” is selected as the mode of station order, the radio broadcasts arearranged in the order of their ensemble names.NOTEEnsemble is also interchangeably termed as “multiplex” by otherbroadcast providers.ACTIVEActive stations are listed at the top of the channel list. Those channelsthat are in list but have no service in the area will be displayed last in thechannel list.DRCThe level of compression of stations can be set to eliminate the differencesin dynamic range or sound level between radio stations. Popular musicwould normally be more compressed than classical music, resulting inpossible different audio levels when changing from one station to theother. Setting the DRC to “0” means no compression, “1/2” indicates mediumcompression and “1” shows maximum compression. No compression isrecommended, especially for classical music.1 While listening to a DAB broadcast, press [TUNER MODE] button and[ A/S ] to select “DRC”. Press [ENTER].2 Toggle [ A/S ] to select through “DRC 0”, “DRC 1/2” and “DRC 1”.3 Press [ENTER] to select desired DRC level.MANUAL SCANThis option allows you to directly tune to a desired channel and include itin the service list (if not yet available at the time). You can also use manualscan to assist you in positioning the DAB antenna for best reception of thedesired channel.1 While listening to a DAB broadcast, press [TUNER MODE] button and[ A/S ] to select “Manual Scan”. Press [ENTER]. The current channel andfrequency are shown in the upper line of the VFD. The “bars” at thelower line of the VFD indicate the signal strength level of the currentchannel.$LH 1464.944M%|||||||||||2 To select other channels, toggle [ A/S ] to step through the channel list.Release [ A/S ] when you have arrived at your desired channel. Channeland frequency are shown in the upper line of the VFD. The “bars” at thelower line of the VFD indicate the signal strength level of the currentchannel. To improve the reception of the selected channel, adjust orreposition the DAB antenna until the best reception is indicated.3 Press [ENTER] to tune the selected channel.NOTEThe number of ensembles and stations that could be scanned will varydepending upon your location.PRUNE LISTThere maybe situations wherein certain stations become inactive. The“Prune List” option enables the deletion of these inactive stations in theservice list.1 While listening to a DAB broadcast, press front panel’s [TUNER MODE]button and [ A/S ] to select “Prune List”.2 Press [ENTER]. Any inactive stations are automatically deleted.OPERATIONLISTENING TO DAB RADIO36ENGLISH FRANÇAIS ESPAÑOL ITALIANO DEUTSCH NEDERLANDS SVENSKA РУССКИЙ