BASS, TREBLE, BALANCEBass and Treble controls only affect the low bass and high treble leavingthe critical midrange frequencies free of coloration.• Use [a/s] to boost or cut Bass or Treble levels within ±7 dB range.Balance control adjusts the relative levels of the left and right speakers.• Press [s] to shift the balance to the right or [a] to shift the balance tothe left. Use [a/s] also to recover or even out the balance levels.• “0 dB” level setting provides equal level to the left and right channels.FILTERSFilters provide easy bi-amplification or subwoofer integration by adding therequired filters to redirect bass frequencies to the subwoofer.High Pass: Low pass signal from frequencies 40Hz to 200Hz can beselected and sent to Subwoofer Out, with the high pass signal sent tothe C 368 amplifier section.Full Range: Refers to the whole frequency spectrum capability of yourC 368 and speaker system.PRE OUT/SUBWOOFERPre Out/Subwoofer feature allows you to select the function of the PRE-OUT or SUBWOOFER terminals.Pre Out: Configured as Pre Out terminals.Subwoofer: Configured as Subwoofer terminals.SPEAKER CHANNELSPEAKER CHANNEL enables you to engage or disengage the speakersconnected respectively to the SPEAKERS A and SPEAKERS B terminals onthe rear panel.Select “Speaker A” or “Speaker B” individually and then set to “On” or “Off”.On: Selected speaker is enabled.Off: Selected speaker is disabled.DIMMERDIMMER function makes it possible to adjust the brightness level of thefront panel display.Bright: Increase the brightness level of the display above normal.Normal: Normal brightness level of the display.Dim: Display brightness is below normal level or dimmer than normal.Temporary: Display is temporary turned off after 30 seconds of non-user interface. Display is activated once user interface is initiated.OPERATIONUSING THE C 368BalanceSettingsSource Setup0 dB +-SettingsFiltersSettingsSource SetupHigh PassSettingsPre Out/SubwooferSettingsSource SetupPre OutSettingsSpeaker ChannelSettingsSource SetupSpeaker ASettingsBassSettingsSource Setup0 dB +-SettingsTrebleSettingsSource Setup0 dB +-SettingsDimmerSettingsSource SetupBrightSettings13ENGLISHFRANÇAISESPAÑOLITALIANODEUTSCHNEDERLANDSSVENSKAРУССКИЙ
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