Part Number 000007661 11/16 27Cleaning and SanitizingMaintenance procedures covered in this manual are notcovered by the warranty.,CautionUse only Manitowoc approved Ice Machine Cleaner(part number 000000084) and Sanitizer (part number9405653). Do not mix Cleaner and Sanitizer solutionstogether. It is a violation of Federal law to use thesesolutions in a manner inconsistent with their labeling.Read and understand all labels printed on bottlesbefore use.nWarningWear rubber gloves and safety goggles (and/or faceshield) when handling ice machine Cleaner or Sanitizer.EXTERIOR CLEANINGRemove dust and dirt off exterior surfaces with mildhousehold dish-washing detergent and warm water.Wipe dry with a clean, soft cloth.RF/RFS/RNS MODELS CLEANING/SANITIZINGPROCEDURESCleaning/Sanitizing ProcedureThis procedure must be performed once every month.• All ice must be removed from the bin• The ice machine and bin must be disassembledcleaned and sanitized• The ice machine produces ice with the cleaner andsanitizer solutions• All ice produced during the cleaning and sanitizingprocedure must be discardedMaintenance