3) If there is any old thermal grease on the processor, gently clean the top of the processor usingan alcohol cleaning pad.3. If you are replacing a processor:a. Remove the processor identification label from the heat sink and replace it with the new label thatcomes with the replacement processor.b. Apply new thermal grease (1/2-syringe, 0.65 g) to the top of the new processor.Attention: Use only blue thermal grease (part number 01KP765) when replacing the processor. Donot use gray thermal grease (part number 41Y9292).Figure 125. Thermal grease application1) Carefully place the processor and retainer on a flat surface with the processor-contact sidedown.2) Apply half a syringe of thermal grease, approximately 0.65 g, to the center of the processor top.4. If you are replacing a heat sink, remove the processor identification label from the old heat sink andplace it on the new heat sink in the same location. The label is on the side of the heat sink closet to thetriangular alignment mark.If you are unable to remove the label and place it on the new heat sink, or if the label is damaged duringtransfer, write the processor serial number from the processor identification label on the new heat sink inthe same location as the label would be placed using a permanent marker.5. Assemble the processor and heat sink, if these components are separate.Notes:• If you are replacing a processor, install the heat sink onto the processor and retainer while theprocessor and retainer are in the shipping tray.• If you are replacing a heat sink, remove the heat sink from its shipping tray and place the processorand retainer in the opposite half of the heat sink shipping tray with the processor-contact side down.To prevent the processor from falling out of the retainer, hold the processor-retainer assembly by itssides with the processor-contact side up until you turn it over to fit in the shipping tray.Chapter 3. Hardware replacement procedures 129