Is My Content Secure?Your content is always secure using LenovoEMC Personal Cloud. If you create a Personal Cloud withsecurity disabled, you are required to enter a password when accessing your px4-300d remotely. Enablingsecurity allows you to share your px4-300d with the people you choose. For example, you have photos ofyour new baby you want to share with your sister, your brother, and your sister-in-law. To share your babyphotos with these family members, create a Personal Cloud, and then invite your sister, your brother, andyour sister-in-law to join your Personal Cloud. Your px4-300d Network Storage provides an easy way tosend email invitations and instructions to the people you select as Personal Cloud users. In this way, yourcontent is never exposed and remains private. It is visible only to the individuals you invite to be PersonalCloud users. Content of the Personal Cloud is determined by you as the Personal Cloud owner. Refer tothe help topic links below for more information on Personal Cloud.People added to your Personal Cloud as users are not required to own or have access to your px4-300d. The process of adding someone as a Personal Cloud user grants them access to yourPersonal Cloud from any computer.Personal Cloud: Accessing Your LenovoEMC Personal Cloud From Anywhere in the WorldIs My Content Secure? 90