Table 11. Processors details (continued)Energy Efficient Turbo • Enable• DisableWhen energy efficient turbo is enabled, the CPU’s optimalturbo frequency will be tuned dynamically based on CPUutilization. The power/performance bias setting alsoinfluences energy efficient turbo. When a preset mode isselected, the low-level settings are not changeable andwill be grayed out. If user would like to change thesettings, please choose [Custom Mode] in “OperatingMode” and [Enable] in "Turbo Mode" located under“System Setting” submenu.Enable is the default setting.Uncore Frequency Scaling • Enable• DisableWhen enabled, the CPU uncore will dynamically changespeed based on the workload. All miscellaneous logicinside the CPU package is considered to be the uncore.Enable is the default setting.MONITOR/MWAIT • Enable• DisableMONITOR/MWAIT instructions are used to engage C-states. Some operating systems will re-enable C-stateseven when they are disabled in setup. To prevent this,disable MONNITOR/MWAIT. Please choose [CustomMode] in “Operating Mode” and [Disable] in "C-States"located under “System Setting” submenu.Enable is the default setting.This item can be changed after the steps as below.• 1. Operating Modes -> Custom• 2. C-states -> DisableUPI Link Disable • Enable All Links• Disable 1 LinkDisabling one of the CPU UPI links can save power. Ifmaximum performance is desired, all UPI links should beleft enabled. When a preset mode is selected, the low-level settings are not changeable and will be grayed out. Ifuser would like to change the settings, please choose[Custom Mode] in “Operating Mode” located under“System Setting” submenu.Enable All Links is the default setting.SNC • Enable• DisableSNC (sub NUMA cluster) partitions the cores and lastlevel cache into clusters with each cluster bound to a setof memory controllers in the system. SNC improvesaverage latency to the last level cache.Disable is the default setting.Snoop Preference • Home SnoopPlus• Home SnoopSelect the appropriate snoop mode based on theworkload. Setting the snoop mode preference does notalways guarantee that it will be selected. The mode will bechanged if the current hardware configuration does notsupport the desired mode. Also not that SNC has priorityover the snoop mode.Home Snoop Plus is the default setting.Chapter 3. System configuration and boot management 33