Note that IBM has tested the Sony CD-ROM Discman with an Adaptec SlimSCSI 1460CPCMCIA adapter as a supported external CD-ROM drive for Windows 2000. If your externalCD-ROM drive is not supported as a drive for Windows 2000, please contact the manufactureof the CD-ROM drive device to obtain a supported Windows 2000 device driver.ThinkPad unattended mode installationYou can also install Windows 2000 Professional in unattended mode installation. For moreinformation on unattended installs, refer to the Setup information included on Windows 2000Professional CD -- <\SETUPTXT\PRO1.TXT and PRO2.TXT>.Again, for additional help and information on how to install Windows 2000 on your ThinkPadcomputer, please refer to the “Release Notes for Setup” included on the Windows 2000Professional CD.Upgrading to Windows 2000 ProfessionalWindows 2000 Professional supports upgrading from Windows 95 (all releases), Windows 98(all releases), Windows NT 3.51 Workstation, and Windows NT 4.0 Workstation (includingoperating systems updated by service packs).Note that the following requirements are necessary in order to upgrade to the Windows 2000Professional:• Hard disk drive partition where the current Windows operating system residesshould be at least 2 Gigabytes (GB).• At least 650 MB of free space on the partition where the current Windowsoperating system resides.• The OS/2 Boot Manager is not installed. (Currently, the OS/2 Boot Manager is notsupported under Windows 2000.)If your computer does not meet these requirements, you will not be able to upgrade toWindows 2000 Professional. You will need to re-configure your hard disk drive and installWindows 2000 Professional.Caution : If you are planning to upgrade to Windows 2000 Professional be cautious ofthe fact that if the Setup fails during any portion of the Windows 2000 upgrade you willnot be able to recover the previously installed operating system. Anytime you upgradethe computer’s operating system, there’s always a risk that the upgrade will fail. Shouldthe upgrade fail, you will lose the entire previously install operating system along withall user data. Therefore, if you are planning to upgrade to Windows 2000, it is stronglyrecommended that you back -up all important data and system files beforehand. If theupgrade fails, you will have to install Windows 2000 from scratch. To reduce the risk ofan upgrade failure and loss of all user data, it’s recommended to install Windows 2000Professional from scratch by creating a dual-boot configuration. You must make thedecision to upgrade versus create a dual-boot configuration before proceeding. Formore information please refer to the \SETUPTXT\PRO1.TXT README file includedon the Windows 2000 Professional CD.Also note, that during the upgrade, Windows 2000 will replace all existing WindowsOperating System files. It will also attempt to preserve your existing user settings andpreferences and applications. However, most Windows 95, Windows 98, and Windows