TTT DDD WWW 666888000 MMMaaannn uuuaaalll ((( WWW iiirrr eee llleee ssssss pppooorrr ttt iiiooonnn )))Note 2: If the flash disk is set to FD mode, and there is no response when you click “Open File”, pleaseset the flash disk to HD mode.4. Auto Page/Manual PageThe “Auto Page/Manual Page”button is a diplex one. After opening file, this file is on Manual Pagestatus, and this button displays as “Auto Page”. After click “Auto Page”, the system will be on autopage status, then the button displays as “Manual Page”. Click “Manual Page”to switch system toManual Page status.When the system is on auto page status, next picture will be automatically played every 3 seconds.After the last picture has been played, the system will automatically back to play the first picture.5. Previous PictureWhen you open the file and the current file is not the first picture, use “Previous Picture”to openthe previous picture stored in the same directory, equal to the function of Page Up key.6. Next PictureWhen you open the file and the current file is not the last picture, use “Next Picture”to open thenext picture stored in the same directory, equal to the function of Page Down key.When the last picture is played in full screen mode, press Page Down key to automatically switchto the first picture.7. Optimal Size/Original SizeAfter opening the file, the shown picture is on the original size status and the button displays as“Optimal Size”. If you click “Optimal Size”button or double click left button of mouse (non fullscreen mode), the system will switch to optimal size status, which will stretch and compact the pic-ture in scale (do not change aspect ratio), and show the picture in optimal size. Or you may click“Original Size”button or double click left button of mouse (non full screen mode), the system willswitch to original size status.8. Full Screen ModeAfter opening the file, you can click “Full Screen Mode”or click right button of mouse to switch thesystem to full screen mode status. Click right button of mouse to switch the system to non-fullscreen mode status.In full screen mode, when the last picture is shown, you may click the left button of mouse toautomatically show the first picture.9. End Play