TTT DDD WWW 666888000 MMMaaannn uuuaaalll ((( WWW iiirrr eee llleee ssssss pppooorrr ttt iiiooonnn )))If “Quick projection”is checked, which means to allow user to bind the projector. The default ischecked.ID number of the binding projector will appear in the box below “Quick projection”, as shown above.When you use press hotkeys (Ctrl+F5) to perform the quick projection, you may see the projectingconfirmation dialog, as shown below:Click “Yes”button to perform the quick projection; or click “No”button to cancel the quick projection.If you don't want to get the above tips in quick projection mode, you may select “No hints next time”.You may also make this setting in the “Setting”Window. You may select “No tips dialog in quick pro-jection mode”, as shown below: