TTT DDD WWW 666888000 MMMaaannn uuuaaalll ((( WWW iiirrr eee llleee ssssss pppooorrr ttt iiiooonnn )))After starting the Wireless Projection, the Refresh screen will display and the “Lenovo Wireless Pro-jector”tray icon will appear on the bottom right corner of the screen. If you put the mouse point overthe tray icon, you may see the information about the current wireless projection.2. RefreshingAfter starting the “Lenovo Wireless Projector”program, it will refresh automatically and search currentavailable wireless projector in the wireless network, it will display all ID numbers of wireless projectorsearched. If there is an available NIC, you may search manually by pressing “Refresh”buttonwhenever you want.After starting the program, the screen of “Searching for projector”will appear:If any projector is searched, the projector list will appear: