© Copyright 2015 Lenovo Chapter 1: The RackSwitch G8264 17Related DocumentationAdditional or updated product documents may be available from the Lenovowebsite. Such documents may cover features not described in the originaldocumentation that comes with the switch, or may include technical updates orcorrections.You can obtain up-to-date information on the Lenovo support website:http://support.lenovo.com/Note: Changes are made periodically to the Lenovo website. Procedures forlocating firmware and documentation might vary slightly from what isdescribed in this document.For information about switch hardware and firmware features, specifications, andstandards, including their configuration, see the Application Guide for your specificswitch and its installed firmware.For information about the switch information, statistics, and individual configurationparameters, see the Command Reference guide for your specific switch and itsinstalled firmware.