dV-DOSC dV-SUB Manual V2.0 Nov 2001 924.2 FLOWN SYSTEMSStandalone Flying with dV-BUMPFlying a dV-DOSC array is fast and easy. When properly prepared and organized, handling time canbe significantly reduced in comparison with conventional systems. Installation is optimum when 2-3people are available although it is possible for a single person to fly dV-DOSC.Preliminary Preparations: All geometrical data for flying the array (i.e., trim height, bottom element elevation, inter-element angles) has been pre-calculated using ARRAY 2000 (CUTVIEW sheet dVARRAY1 ordVARRAY2) Two independent flying points are available, directly in line and with the desired pan angle forthe array as determined using ARRAY 2000 (ISOCONTOUR sheet) Alternatively, a single point hang can be performed using the points available on the centralspreader bar section of dV-BUMP or the rear extension bar Access is available beneath the flying points, i.e., a flat surface where it is possible to assembledV-DOSC elementsGiven the above conditions:The first step is to unpack and organize all dV-DOSC elements and rigging hardware at the flyinglocation. As a reference for cabinet orientation, the front grille logos should all be in the correctorientation and the bottom rigging tabs facing down once the system is flown.Line up all dV-DOSC enclosures in their flight cases (3 per case). Mate the bottom rigging tabs fromthe first group of 3 cabinets with the top locator slots of the next group of cabinets. Repeat until alldV-DOSC flight cases are physically lined up.Physically connect the fronts of all dV-DOSC enclosures by attaching the front points using dV-PIN25. The entire assembly will then be linked, similar to how V-DOSC is attached using rotatinglegs and U-pins (except the attachment points are at the front in this case).Place dV-BUMP at the front of the array, oriented so that the dual locating studs are facing upwards(or rear extension bar upwards). If desired, attach the extension bar to dV-BUMP using an 18 mmshackle at pick point hole number 8 on the central spreader bar section. The extension bar allowsthe use of two motors for tilt adjustment or single point hangs of up to 12 elements from the 8additional points available on the extension bar. Note: 12 elements, tightly wrapped at 7.5 degreesprovide 90 degree coverage focussed from vertical to horizontal when the rearmost pick point ofthe extension bar is used. If the extension bar is not used, 8 pick point positions are available on thecentral spreader bar section of dV-BUMP for single point hangs and up to 24 dV-DOSC can beflown.Pre-attach dV-ANGLE P1 at the 3.75 degree (middle hole) position to the two rear points on dV-BUMP using dV-PIN25. Pre-attach dV-ANGLE P1 at the 7.5 degree (smallest gap) position to thefront points on dV-BUMP. As a reference, the ball/tab end of all four dV-ANGLE should be facingoutwards.Note : The 3.75 degree angle between the rear of the top enclosure and dV-BUMP is necessary tocompensate for the 3.75 degree trapezoidal angle of dV-DOSC versus the actual site angle of the enclosurewhich is perpendicular to the front of the enclosure. Adding a 3.75 degree angle at the rear allows focus tobe verified with a laser attached to dV-BUMP since this will be parallel to the site angle of the top element.The next step is to attach dV-BUMP to the top element by mating the pre-attached dV-ANGLE barsto the locating slots of the top element. Use four dV-PIN25 to physically connect dV-BUMP to thetop element.