Flying dV-DOSC Under dV-SUB (3+1 configuration)When rigging small configurations of dV-DOSC under a single dV-SUB (e.g., 1 dV-SUB with 3 dV-DOSC underneath), it is possible to fly the system in the same manner as dV-DOSC standalone, i.e.,assemble the elements while they are face down on the ground and fly the system as a whole.Note: For larger configurations with more than 3 dV-DOSC flown under multiple dV-SUBs, see the followingsection for rigging procedures.Please refer to the photo sequence below in addition to the following description:To fly the system, the dV-SUB enclosure is located at the rigging location (face down on it's dolleyboard) and four dV-ANGLESD are pre-attached to the dV-SUB using 4 x dV-PIN25 (in preparationfor attaching dV-BUMP). The ''fat'' part of the dV-ANGLESD is oriented towards the center of dV-SUB on both sides.Note: Since there are no stacking runners on the top of dV-SUB, it is possible to select the stacked holeposition on the dV-SUB end of dV-ANGLESD.Place the dV-BUMP into position on the dV-SUB and secure using 4 x dV-PIN25. The dV-BUMP isoriented so that the dual locating studs are facing upwards (or rear extension bar upwards). Ifdesired, attach the extension bar to dV-BUMP using an 18 mm shackle at pick point hole #8 on thecentral spreader bar section of dV-BUMP. The extension bar allows the use of two motors for tiltadjustment or single point hangs from the 8 additional points available on the extension bar. If theextension bar is not used, 8 pick point positions are available on the central spreader bar section ofdV-BUMP for single point hangs.Pre-attach 2 x dV-ANGLESD at the (bottom) front and 2 x dV-ANGLESDP at the (bottom) rear ofthe dV-SUB using 4 x dV-PIN25. Recall that the outermost holes on these angle bars are used forflown applications (to provide clearance for the stacking runners) and that the ''fat'' part of the anglebars is oriented towards the center of dV-SUB in order to mate properly with the dV-DOSC riggingpanels.Line up the 3 dV-DOSC enclosures in their flight case (3 per case) at the rigging location. Physicallyconnect the fronts of all dV-DOSC enclosures by attaching the front points using pairs of dV-PIN25.The entire assembly will then be linked, similar to how V-DOSC is attached using rotating legs andU-pins (except the attachment points are at the front in this case).Referring to the angle values that were pre-calculated for each element using ARRAY 2000, pre-attach pairs of dV-ANGLE bars at the rear of all dV-DOSC elements of the array (while they are stillface down in their flight cases). Remember to keep the ball / tab end up as a reference and becareful to select the correct angle for each element (generally, it is better if one person performsthis operation to avoid mistakes).Connect the rears of the 3 dV-DOSC elements (while they are still face down in their flight cases) bypulling the cabinets together at the rear and inserting dV-PIN25. This operation is facilitated by the