dV-DOSC dV-SUB Manual V2.0 Nov 2001 80. INTRODUCTIONThe small ''d'' in dV-DOSC refers to the mathematical terminology for the derivative function sincedV-DOSC is a derivative of V-DOSC. dV-DOSC provides the same benefits of Wavefront SculptureTechnology as V-DOSC except in a much smaller format.We hope this manual will help you to appreciate why and to understand the basic principles behindhow the dV-DOSC system works. Understanding these principles will help you to optimally use dV-DOSC and dV-SUB in sound design – whether for touring or fixed installation. Understanding theconcepts behind dV-DOSC and Wavefront Sculpture Technology are just as important as learningthe many operational details related in this manual – the more you understand the big picture, themore effectively you will use the system.As you will see, dV-DOSC is a complete system approach – starting from the basic question of howto effectively couple sound sources then including all aspects of sound design, performanceprediction, system installation, rigging, cabling, signal distribution, digital control and tuning. Thisturnkey system approach allows for accurate and predictable results, however, in order to achievethe best results you need to understand the concepts behind how the system works.Apart from sound quality, the system design approach and ergonomics, there are many benefits todV-DOSC. Many of you readers are already aware of these benefits; otherwise they will becomeapparent throughout the course of this manual.0.1 WAVEFRONT SCULPTURE TECHNOLOGY™ FUNDAMENTALSThe Sound Reinforcement ProblemThe trend in sound reinforcement has been to increase both the actual SPL during concerts and thesize of the audience to be covered. This leads to an increased number of loudspeakers since morepowerful single loudspeakers would reach such sizes and weights that their transport, handling andinstallation would simply not be feasible.In practice, conventional loudspeakers are assembled in a fan-shaped array following the angledetermined by the horizontal directivity of each enclosure in an attempt to reduce overlappingzones that cause destructive interference. With this type of arrangement, the optimum clarityavailable in one direction can only be provided by the individual enclosure facing in this direction.Attempts at “flattening the array” in order to achieve greater throw and higher sound pressure levelsresults in severe interference in an uncontrolled way, affecting coverage, directivity control,intelligibility and overall sound quality. Even when arrayed according to specification (always an''optimum'' compromise), the sound waves radiated by individual loudspeakers do not couplecoherently thus the conventional system approach is fundamentally flawed. Furthermore, the chaoticsound fields created by interfering sound sources waste acoustic energy, thus requiring more powerthan a single, coherent source would in order to achieve the same sound pressure level.To illustrate this, consider what happens when we throw pebbles in the water. If we throw onepebble into the water, we can see circular waves expanding from the place where it disturbed thesurface. If we throw a handful of pebbles, we observe a chaotic wavefield. If we throw a largerstone, with total size and weight equivalent to the handful of pebbles then we see a circular wave aswas obtained with the single pebble, except now with much larger amplitude. If all of the individualpebbles of the handful could be glued together, this would provide the same effect as the largerstone...This illustrates the thinking behind dV-DOSC and V-DOSC: if we can build a single sound sourcefrom a number of individual speakers that can be separated for transport and handling, then we haveachieved our goal, i.e., to provide a totally coherent, predictable wavefield.