dV-DOSC dV-SUB Manual V2.0 Nov 2001 77Stacking on top of V-DOSCTo fly dV-DOSC on top of V-DOSC, dV-BUMP is attached to the V-DOSC bumper to act as astacking platform as in the standalone stacking procedures outlined above.For stability reasons, the maximum number of dV-DOSC elements that can be stacked on top of V-DOSC is 6. Typically, allowable trim height and chain motor clearance issues will be the determiningfactors with respect to the number of cabinets that can be used.Standard rigging procedures for V-DOSC are followed (please see the V-DOSC manual for completedetails). For the front motor point, bridling should be performed using the outer points on the V-DOSC bumper in order to ensure that steel or motor chain does not interfere with the highfrequency section of dV-DOSC once it is stacked on top of V-DOSC.Once all standard V-DOSC flying preparations are complete, the first step is to raise the front motorso that the V-DOSC BUMPER rotates upwards to a horizontal position. If necessary take any slackout of the rear motor so that the V-DOSC BUMPER is securely supported in the horizontal position.Attach dV-BUMP to the V-DOSC BUMPER by mating the two locating studs on dV-BUMP with thecorresponding holes on the center cross bar section of the V-DOSC BUMPER (locating tabs arefacing upwards so that dV-BUMP sits inside the V-DOSC bumper). A steel stud and dV-PIN81quickrelease pin are used to mechanically secure dV-BUMP to the V-DOSC BUMPER at the central holeposition along the front of the entire assembly.In preparation to begin stacking, pre-attach two dV-ANGLEP1 bars to the two rear mount points ondV-BUMP using two dV-PIN25. Selecting the 3.75 degree hole (middle position) will set the bottomdV-DOSC element parallel to the top V-DOSC element for long throw applications. For upfillapplications, selecting the minimum 7.5 degree hole position (tightly wrapped) will provide 3.75degrees tilt upwards with respect to the top V-DOSC element while selecting the 5.5 degree holeposition will provide 1.75 degrees.Orienting dV-DOSC with the rigging tabs down (grille logo in the correct orientation), place the firstdV-DOSC on dV-BUMP by mating the front rigging tabs and rear locator slots with the locator slotsand rear dV-ANGLE bars that were previously attached to dV-BUMP. Attach all four points usingfour dV-PIN25 (front first, rear last) to secure the bottom dV-DOSC to dV-BUMP.The next step is to connect two dV-ANGLE (P1 or P2) bars to the rear locator slots of the bottomdV-DOSC enclosure using two dV-PIN25. Pre-select the appropriate hole position to give thedesired tilt angle for the second enclosure. Note: As a reference for dV-ANGLE bar orientation, theball end of the angle bar should always be facing outwards.Place the second dV-DOSC on top of the bottom enclosure by mating the two front rigging posts onthe second element and the dV-ANGLE bars that were previously mounted on the bottom elementwith the available locator slots. Attach the two front points using two dV-PIN25 to secure thesecond dV-DOSC element's front rigging posts to the bottom element. Tilt the rear of the secondenclosure to the desired angle and attach the second dV-DOSC to dV-ANGLE using two dV-PIN25.The same procedures are followed for all other dV-DOSC elements of the array until stacking iscompleted.Connection of the array to the AMP RACKS can be performed as soon as stacking is completed.Remember to parallel a maximum of 3 dV-DOSC elements only.