44 - 2Function description and operating tips(1) Foot throttle (2) hand throttle lever(a) depressthe foot throttle is mainly used du-ring driving on a road while the handthrottle lever is mainly used in workfield.Foot throttletd2O446B td2O447Ahand throttle leverthe hand throttle lever is to controlthe engine rpm.the engine accelerates to its fullspeed by pulling the hand throttlelever ( position) completely outwhile pushing the lever ( position)decelerates the engine.the hand throttle lever is mainlyused while working on a field.(1) hand throttle lever: slow: Fastcautiondo not use the hand throt-tle lever while driving on thepublic road. otherwise it canlead to an accident as it be-comes hard to decelerate thetractor rapidly.•TD200-호주향-DK4810,5310,5810(HS)-029 29 2015-02-11 오후 2:58:10