577 - 2maintenance(1) adjusting Bolt(a) adjusting Belt tension(B) PullADJUsTING fAN BElT TENsION (V)in order to extend the fan belt’s lifeti-me, the tension of the belt should becorrectly adjusted if it slips. the belttension should be inspected regularlyaccording to the following procedure:1. stop the engine and apply theparking brake.2. open the hood.3. in order to measure the belt ten-sion, apply thumb pressure stron-gly to the “a” location of belt.td2O725AWARNINGStop the engine when che-cking the items above.Inspect the fuel pipe regular-ly. The fuel pipes are subjectto wear and aging. failure toperform periodic inspectionsmay lead to a fuel leak. fuelleaking on a hot engine couldcause a fire.••IMPORTANTWhen disconnecting the fuelpipe for replacement, plugboth ends with cloth or paperto prevent dust or foreign ma-terial from entering it. Othe-rwise, the fuel injection pumpcan be damaged. Pay extracaution to the fuel pump toprevent dust from entering it.•3. if the fuel pipes and hose clampsare found damaged or deteriora-ted earlier than two years, thenchange them immediately.4. after the fuel pipe and hose clam-ps have been changed, bleed thefuel system.TD200-호주향-DK4810,5310,5810(HS)-023 23 2015-02-11 오후 3:01:25