1 - dk4810/5310/5810(hs)1 - dk4810/5310/5810(hs)Precautions before oPerationgeneral Precautionsa careful operator is the best opera-tor. most accidents can be avoidedby observing certain precautions. tohelp prevent accidents, use thesesafety precautions, and pay attentionto the job at hand. if you can preventan accident, your time will have beenwell spent.the following should never be al-lowed to operate this machine.• Those under the influence of alcohol• Women that are pregnant.• those under 18• those without driver's license• those who are fatigued, sick or un-der the influence of medicine; oth-ers who are not qualified for certainreasons to operate this machinedo not operate the machine with fa-tigue. take a rest if necessary.otherwise, an unexpected accidentcan occur.please wear the appropriate workingclothes.safety helmetfit clothestight sleevessafety shoesotherwise, your clothes can be caughtinto rotating parts or you may slip,leading to an accident.C56O101athis tractor is basically designed foragricultural use or similar.Use other than the specified cannotbe covered by warranty. the manu-facturer is not liable for any damageresulting from unauthorized use, andsuch action can lead to a dangeroussituation to a user. authorized usemeans complying with operation,service and repair standards set bythe manufacturer.H61O440ato w e l t u c k e daround the waistC56O102acigaretteMufflerslippersTD200-호주향-DK4810,5310,5810(HS)-02 2 2015-02-11 오후 2:51:44