577 - 1maintenance1. t h e b r a k e a n d c l u t c h p e d a l sshould be inspected for free travel,and smooth operation.2. you should adjust these pedalsif an incorrect measurement isfound. (refer to the instructions foradjusting the clutch and brake pe-dals in the chapter maintenance.)ChECkING BRAkE AND ClUTChPEDAls (h)1. inspect the instrument panel forbroken gauge(s), meter(s) and in-dicators.2. replace if broken.ChECkING hEAD lIGhT, hAzARDlIGhT ETC. (J)1. inspect the lights for broken bulbsand lenses.2. replace if broken.ChECkING sEAT BElT ANDCABIN (k)1. always check the condition of theseat belt and cabin before operatingtractor.2. replace if damaged.ChECkING GAUGEs, METERAND INDICATORs (I)NOTEwhen depressing the brakepedals separated, both of thebrake pedals should be moveddown to the same depth.•IMPORTANTBonnet grill and screen mustbe clean from debris to pre-vent engine from overheatingand to allow good air intakefor the air cleaner.•TD200-호주향-DK4810,5310,5810(HS)-013 13 2015-02-11 오후 3:01:22