577 - 15maintenance8. run the start motor for approx.10 seconds to distribute oil toeach part of the engine.9. run the engine for approx. 5 mi-nutes and check for proper opera-tion through the engine oil warninglamp. then, stop the engine. (it isnormal that the oil warning lamp isoff while the engine running)10. check the engine oil level againwith the oil dipstick. if the level islow, add more oil.NOTEthe engine oil filter should bereplaced when changing the en-gine oil.•IMPORTANTUse only specified engine oiland kIOTI genuine filter toinsure smooth operation anddurability of the engine.•WARNINGThe engine oil is very hot whilethe engine is running or rightafter the engine is stopped. Becareful not to be burnt.Avoid oil contact while chan-ging or adding engine oil andwear eye protection to preventeye contact.Prolonged and repeated con-tact with the engine oil mayc a u s e s k i n d i s o r d e r s a n dskin cancer. If skin contact ismade, wash thoroughly withsoap or hand cleaner as soonas possible.Keep the used oil out of reachof children.••••CAUTIONTo avoid injury:Be sure to stop the engine be-fore changing the fluid or repla-cing the filter.Check the engine oil level befo-re every operation of the tractor.If the engine oil is insufficient,the engine can be damaged,and this is not covered by war-ranty. Be sure to add the engineoil when its level is below thelower limit of the oil dipstick.Do not dispose of used oil andoil filter into drainage and otherplaces not designated by regu-lations. Observe applicable re-gulations when disposing usedoil and filters.•••TD200-호주향-DK4810,5310,5810(HS)-015 15 2015-02-11 오후 3:01:22