Keysight E1420B Universal Counter User Guide 133IEEE 488.2 Common Commands E1420B Command Reference*SRE? (Service Request Enable Query)The Service Request Enable Query command reads the contents of the ServiceRequest Enable Register. The counter returns the data as an (integer), inthe range 0 to 63 or 128 to 191, since bit 6 (the RQS bit) cannot be set.*STB? (Status Byte Query)The Status Byte Query command reads the status byte with the Master SummaryStatus (MSS) bit. The counter responds with an integer in the range 0 to 255.These bits represent the contents of the status byte. Bit 6 represents MSS ratherthan RQS (Request Service). (Refer to STATus command for more informationabout the Status Byte Register.)*TRG (Trigger)The Trigger command causes the counter to immediately start/stop ameasurement if the corresponding ARM source is previously programmed to"BUS". When "BUS" is selected as a source, the word-serial command or*TRG will satisfy the arming condition. The measurement must be INITiated priorto sending *TRG (refer to the INITiate command).*TST? (Self-Test Query)The Self-Test Query command causes the counter to execute an internalself-test and report whether or not it detected any errors. When the counterindicates an error(s), execute "DIAG:ASS:ALL?" to assess hardware failure. The*TST? command may take up to 10 seconds to execute.A zero response means that the test completed without detecting any errors. Aresponse of "1" indicates a failure.*WAI (Wait)The Wait to Continue command makes the counter wait until all the previouscommands or queries complete. It thus forces the sequential execution ofcommands. The counter then continues executing commands that follow the*WAI command.