8163A/B, 8164A/B, 8166A/B User’s Guide 147Tunable Lasers 5How to Perform a Wavelength SweepWhat is a Wavelength Sweep ?A wavelength sweep is performed when the instrument changes theoptical wavelength of the optical output across a user-defined wavelengthrange. You can use a wavelength sweep to measure thewavelength-dependent loss of an optical component.How to Set the Wavelength SweepThe Sweep ParametersThese are the parameters for the wavelength sweep:• [λ Start], the wavelength at which the sweep begins,• [λ Stop], the wavelength at which the sweep ends,• [Step], the size of the change in the wavelength for each step of astepped sweep,• [Cycles], the number of times the sweep is repeated,• [Dwell], the amount of time spent at the wavelength during each step,for a stepped sweep• [Vsweep], the speed of a continuous sweep,• [Sweep mode], see How to Perform a Sweep on page 149,• [Repeat mode], see How to Set the Repeat Mode on page 148.NOTE For a sweep, [Step] sets the wavelength interval betweenoutput triggers, if you have set