10 Keysight M9195A PXIe Digital Stimulus/Response Service GuideHigh-Level Diagnostic Tools, Processes and ReferencesError messages appear in a box at the top of the SFP display.They are of the form:AutomaticCorrections: Gain constant out-of-range. Verifyfield wiring removed from channel 0.There are over 50 different varieties of these messages, all with the sameremedy: Remove any field wiring from the channels. If all cables are removed fromthe front panel and there is still a failure, the unit needs to be returned to thefactory for further evaluation and repairs (see “Returning a Module for Service”on page 22).Run Self-TestStart the SFP self tests by selecting: Utilities > Sel f Test > Run Sel f Test. A self testbox will appear and give the start time. The test should complete in around 3minutes.You must remove all cables from the M9195A before running SelfTest. Failure to remove all cables could result in damage to theM9195A and anything attached to the cables (such as a DUT).In the event of a serious over-temperature or voltage fault, SelfTest will not run.Running Self Test resets the module, aborts any open sessions,and makes your device unavailable for around three minutes. Donot close the Soft Front Panel (SFP) software and do not disablethe device during this period.