Section 6: Reading buffers Series 3700A System Switch/Multimeter Reference Manual6-10 3700AS-901-01 Rev. D/June 2018Buffer reading attributesThe table in Buffer recall attributes (on page 6-10) lists the attributes that control which elements arerecalled from the buffer. To access specific elements, append the attribute to the buffer designation.For example, the following command line returns 100 readings from readingbuffer1:printbuffer(1, 100, readingbuffer1.readings)Similarly, the following command line returns 100 channel values from readingbuffer1:printbuffer(1, 100, readingbuffer1.channels)The default reading buffer recall attribute is readings, which can be omitted. Thus, the followingcommand line also returns 100 readings from readingbuffer1:printbuffer(1, 100, readingbuffer1)Buffer recall attributesThe following table lists the attributes that control which elements are recalled from the buffer. Each isactually a nested table. Related entries are stored at the same index as the relevant measurement.The default attribute is readings and can be omitted. For example, readingbuffer1 andreadingbuffer1.readings will both return readings from the buffer named readingbuffer1.Recall attribute Descriptionchannels An array (a Lua table) of strings indicating the channel or channelpattern associated with the measurement.The returned value provides different information, based on what wasopened or closed when the reading was acquired:▪ If no channel or channel pattern is closed when the reading wasacquired, "None" is displayed.▪ If only a single channel or backplane relay was closed, thechannel number is displayed (for example, 5003 or 5915).▪ If a channel or backplane relay plus another backplane relay orother channel is closed, then the channel number will bedisplayed followed by a + sign (for example, 3005+ or 3915+).The channel will be in the image unless the last close operationinvolved only backplane relays.▪ If multiple channels and backplane relays were closed in achannel list, the last channel specified will be stored. Channelstake precedence over backplane relays when stored. However, ifonly multiple backplane relays are specified, then the first one willbe stored.▪ If a channel pattern was closed, then the first eight characters ofthe channel pattern name are returned (for example,mypattern1 is shown as mypatte).dates An array (a Lua table) of strings, indicating the date of the readingformatted in month, day, and year.