5-4 Model 2790 SourceMeter® Switch System User’s ManualRS-232 interface (PLC or PC)A PLC uses the RS-232 interface for communications with the Model 2790. A PC can alsouse the RS-232. Available 2790 settings for the RS-232 interface:• Baud rate: 19.2K, 9600, 4800, 2400, 1200, 600, or 300• Flow control: XonXoff or NONE• Tx terminator: CR, LFCR, LF, or CRLFThe RS-232 menu of the 2790 is accessed by pressing and releasing SHIFT and thenpressing RS-232. Once in the menu, use the following key-press sequence to select andconfigure the RS-232:Select RS-232: ON > select BAUD rate > select FLOW control > select Tx TERMinatorGPIB (PC only)The GPIB (which is faster than RS-232) can be used if an IEEE-488 Interface card (e.g.,KPCI-488) is installed in the computer.The GPIB menu of the Model 2790 is accessed by pressing and releasing SHIFT and thenpressing GPIB. Once in the menu, use the following key-press sequence:Select GPIB: ON > select ADDRess (address 16 is set at factory)