HAWK 5000 OPERATOR MANUALKANE INTERNATIONAL LIMITED 9CONFIRMING CORRECT OPERATION1. The 'LOGGING' light should now flash every few seconds to indicate that theHAWK is recording data in memory.2. Each of the three red lights adjacent to the CT connectors indicates that is the phase,which is also connected to the HAWK mains power.3. Each of the three green lights adjacent to the CT connectors indicates that current hasbeen detected on the corresponding phase. If any of these three green lights areflashing, this means that the corresponding CT is on the wrong phase, or is reversed:try swapping the two offending CT, or connecting the one offending CT the other wayaround on the cable.4. When none of the three green CT lights are flashing, all connections are correct.5. The values being measured may be viewed by connecting a portable computer to theHAWK.