WESII User ManualManual-WESII-Rev1205ACopyright © KBC Networks 2012 Page 17 of 48 www.kbcnetworks.comDefault User Name: adminDefault Password: admin192.168.1.2003 Graphical User Interface3.1 Accessing the WESII Graphical User Interface (GUI)The WESII series provides a web browser based configuration system accessible byeither connecting directly to the WESII RF module through the PIM, via a WESII APconnection to a Client PC/laptop or over the WESII wireless connection. If theHost/AP is accessed via a PC/laptop WiFi Client it must be a Ptmp WESII RF Modulein order to connect another WESII Client through the WESII Host/AP. Single pointWESII Host/APs can only connect to either a Client PC/laptop or a WESII Client.3.1.1 Connecting to the WESII GUI using a PCConnect a straight-through Ethernet cable from a computer’s LAN port to the “DataIn” port on the PIM. Connect a second straight-through Ethernet cable from the“P+Data Out” port on the PIM to the WESII Host/AP or Client. Connect the PSU tothe PIM and verify the green LED illuminates on the PIM. The right two green LEDsof the WESII unit (LEDs 5 and 6) should also light up indicating power and linkactivity (see section 2.3.4 for expected LED status). Due to various port types, acrossover Ethernet cable may be required between the Ethernet device and “DataIn” port on the PIM. KBC Networks recommends a crossover cable be availableduring set up, trouble-shooting and maintenance of the system.3.1.2 Accessing the GUI via a Web BrowserThe computer used to access the WESII GUI must be set to a static IP address onthe same subnet as the WESII unit. The WESII default configuration is on the192.168.1.x subnet (refer to provided documentation for exact IP per unit SerialNumber) therefore the computer must also be set to a 192.168.1.x IP address if theunit is still on its factory set configurations.Once the computer’s IP address is confirmed, open a web browser such as MSInternet Explorer® or Mozilla Firefox®. Type in the Host/AP or Client IP address in theaddress bar at the top of the web browser. If the IP is correct and the link activity isestablished, the browser will prompt you to enter the user ID and password. The IDand password is “admin” / “admin” (case sensitive).