20PreparationChanging the Connection DestinationIf necessary, change the connection destination to the access point (wireless LAN router).Establishing a wired connection tothe access point1 Select "WIRED NETWORK" in "NETWORK".If the sub settings are not displayed, click "+" on theleft of "NETWORK".2 Configure the following settings:• IP ADDRESSFirst three values separated by dot (.): Same asthose of the access pointLast value: Different from that of the access pointwithin the range of 1 to 254(Example) If the access point is, set192.168.1.2.• SUBNET MASKSame as the access point(Example)• DEFAULT GATEWAYSame as the IP address of the access point(Example)• PRIMARY DNSSame as the IP address of the access point(Example)• SECONDARY DNSBlankCAUTION• For how to set the access point, refer to theinstruction manual, etc. of the access point.• When multiple cameras are set up in the samenetwork, assign different IP addresses so that theydo not duplicate each other.• If the network setting is set to "AUTO", the camera'sIP address is assigned automatically by the accesspoint. For values to be assigned, refer to the settingscreen, etc. of the access point.• If the IP address of the unit is unknown, confirm thedisplayed information of the PC application, Androidapplication or iOS application.3 Click the "SAVE" button to save the settings.The settings to be configured on a browser havebeen complete. Close the browser, and shutdownthe computer.4 Press and hold the power button to power off.5 Connect the camera to the LAN port of theaccess point via the LAN cable. ( ➭ page 27)6 Set the network mode switch to "LAN(OFF)".7 Press and hold the power button to power on.When the "WPS" button stops blinking and stays lit,the connection is complete.