EN 93TROUBLESHOOTING● An invalid S HOWV IEW number has been input. ( pg. 43)● To set the timer programme using the S HOW V IEW system, theGuide Program number must be set in advance. ( pg. 82)● Appears when you tried to input a S HOWV IEW number duringtimer recording or instant timer recording.● A disc loaded cannot be played back on this unit since the regionnumber of the disc does not match that of the unit. ( pg. 7)● When an incompatible disc is loaded, 4 has been pressed.( pg. 7)● Formatting is not complete since the disc may be dirty ordamaged. Take out the disc, clean it and retry. ( pg. 10, 86)● Finalising is not complete since the disc may be dirty ordamaged. Take out the disc, clean it and retry. ( pg. 10, 87)● Cancelling disc finalisation is not complete since the disc may bedirty or damaged. Take out the disc, clean it and retry. ( pg. 10,87)● During Live Memory playback, 8 has been pressed. ( pg. 32)● Timer recording has finished during Live Memory playback.● Timer recording finished during Live Memory playback, then thenext timer recording is about to begin while playback continues.● An attempt has been made to record copy-protected contents.● An attempt has been made to record copy-once contents on adisc that is not CPRM compatible, such as DVD-R.● The unit has detected invalid contents at the start or in themiddle of playback.● An attempt has been made to start DV dubbing when a digitalvideo camera is not properly connected to the unit.● Check the connection. ( pg. 69)SHOWVIEW NO. ERRORCONFIRM SHOWVIEW NO. THEN RETRYGUIDE PROGRAMME IS NOT SETSELECT CHANNEL YOU WANT TO RECORDCAN NOT SET SHOWVIEW TIMER PROGRAMMING DURINGTIMER RECORDING OR INSTANT TIMER RECORDINGCANCEL TIMER RECORDING ORINSTANT TIMER RECORDING, THENENTER THE PLUSCODE AGAINREGION CODE ERRORCHECK DISCUNREADABLE DISCCHECK DISCCOULD NOT FORMAT THE DISCCHECK THE DISCCOULD NOT FINALISE THE DISCCHECK THE DISCCOULD NOT CANCEL DISC FINALISATIONCHECK THE DISCPRESS [STOP] AGAIN TO STOP RECORDINGTIMER RECORDING COMPLETEDPLAYBACK WILL STOPTHEN TIMER RECORDING WILL STARTCOPY PROHIBITEDCAN NOT RECORDCOPY PROHIBITEDCAN NOT PLAYTHE i.LINK DEVICE THAT YOU HAVE CONNECTED IS NOTRECOGNIZEDMAKE SURE THAT THE DEVICE IS CONNECTED PROPERLY ANDPOWERED ONDownloaded From DvDPlayer-Manual.com JVC Manuals