CHAPTER 2 – THE PROJECT K2 S5800 LOUDSPEAKER:A TRIUMPH IN ACOUSTICS AND TECHNOLOGYThe following sections describethe primary features and compo-nents of the Project K2 S5800loudspeaker system.The enclosure of the K2 S5800is specially designed to transferunwanted mechanical energyaway from any acoustically activesurfaces, virtually eliminatingcoloration.The massive enclosure, alongwith its specially designed brassmodular feet, couples directly tothe floor, and the system literallybecomes a structural part of itsenvironment. Any vibration istransmitted harmlessly down thechannel provided by the ring/disc axes and into the floor. TheSonoGlass combination hornmaintains a smooth energytransmission path.The Project K2 S5800 transducer/enclosure arrangement representsthe best possible balance of thevarious tuning options and avoidsthe mid-bass response buildupfound in other vented systems.Response works with, ratherthan against, the effects of“room loading.”The unique design of the Project K2system is the platform for its equallyunique acoustical attributes.Thanks to the centrally mountedcombination horn, both the UHF(ultrahigh-frequency) and HF (high-frequency) drivers are located atthe ear level of the listener.See Figure 2.The large 3-inch HF transducerallows the two 12-inch woofers tobe crossed over at a frequency lowenough to eliminate any audibleeffects of their exact location andproximity.Full image coherency is main-tained, resulting in an acousticallystable pinpointed stereo image. Allthe sound seems to come from thecombination horn in the center.Music imaging is more realisticsince the sound appears to emanatefrom one point and not from multiplepoints at different times.Project K2 is a constant-angle sys-tem without regard to frequency.Careful horn design enables theloudspeaker to strictly adhere to a60° horizontal/30° vertical coveragepattern. This Controlled Coveragearrangement precisely defines theoptimum listening area and mini-mizes room effects. At the sametime, it provides a generous “sweetspot” for more comfortable criticallistening sessions.THE DUAL 1200FE LOW-FREQUENCY DRIVERSSee Figure 3.In order to achieve the lowest pos-sible distortion and compressionalong with the high linear excur-sion necessary, the 1200FE isequipped with a ferrite magnet.As with earlier Project K2 low-Figure 2. Height of K2 S5800 speaker system in relation to listener.Terminal BaseGlass-Filled ABS TerminalsGold-Plated 5-WayBinding PostsMagnetCeramicBack PlateSteel SAE-1008Pole SleeveHi-Purity CopperVoice CoilAluminum Ribbon WireES-1350 on High TempFiberglass FormerCone BodySpecial PaperPulp CompositeFrameCast 380AluminumTrim RingNBR RubberSpider SpacerExtruded Aluminum6063Dust DomePaper PulpCompositeSpidersNomex®Pigtail LeadsSilver-PlatedCadmium Copperw/Conex CorePolepieceSteel SAE-1008SurroundEPDM Foam RubberFigure 3. Cutaway view of 1200FE low-frequency transducer. 7