CHAPTER 9 – TROUBLESHOOTING AND SERVICE GUIDEProject K2 S5800 loudspeakersare designed to provide years oftrouble-free service.If you are experiencing difficul-ties, we suggest you check thesepossibilities before contactingyour Project K2 specialist dealerfor assistance.IF THERE IS NO SOUNDFROM ANY OF THESPEAKERS:• Check that the receiver/amplifieris on and a source is playing.• Check all wires and connectionsbetween the receiver/amplifierand the speakers. Make sure allwires are connected, and arenot frayed, cut or punctured. Nowires or strands should be touchingeach other or the shorting barsconnected to other terminals.• Review proper operation of yourreceiver/amplifier.IF THERE IS NO SOUNDCOMING FROM ONESPEAKER:• Check the “Balance” control onyour receiver/processor.• Check all wires and connectionsbetween the receiver/amplifierand the speakers. Make sure allwires are connected, and are notfrayed, cut or punctured. No wiresor strands should be touching eachother or the shorting bars con-nected to other terminals.• In digital surround sound modes,make sure that the receiver/processor is configured so thatthe speaker in question isenabled.• Switch the speaker wiresbetween the speaker with theproblem and one that is workingcorrectly. If the problem remainsin the same speaker, then thefault is in the loudspeaker. Inthis event, consult your ProjectK2 S5800 specialist dealer forassistance. If, however, theproblem has moved to the otherspeaker, then the cause is ineither a cable or an electroniccomponent.IF THE SYSTEM PLAYSAT LOW VOLUMES BUTSHUTS OFF AS VOLUMEIS INCREASED:• Check all wires and connectionsbetween the receiver/amplifierand the speakers. Make sure allwires are connected, and are notfrayed, cut or punctured. No wiresor strands should be touching eachother or the shorting bars con-nected to other terminals.• If more than one pair of mainspeakers is being used, check theminimum impedance require-ments of your receiver/amplifier.IF THERE IS LOW (ORNO) BASS OUTPUT:• Make sure the connections tothe left and right speaker termi-nals have the correct polarity.• In digital surround modes,consider adding a poweredsubwoofer to play the LFE (low-frequency effects) channel ofthe program.IF THE SPEAKERSSOUND QUALITATIVELYDIFFERENT IN ANINDEFINABLE WAY:• Test the batteries and replacethem if necessary.NOTE: The batteries should betested once a year in any event.18