P36AWPERFORMANCE™SERIESOWNER’S GUIDE6 II, S36AW IFor more than 60 years, JBL hasbeen involved in every aspect ofmusic and film recording andreproduction, from live perform-ances to the recordings you playin your home, car or office.We’re confident that the JBL loud-speakers you have chosen willprovide every note of enjoyment thatyou expected – and that when youthink about purchasing additionalaudio equipment for your home, caror office, you will once againchoose JBL.Please take a moment to registeryour product at our Web site,www.jbl.com. It enables us to keepyou posted on our latest advance-ments, and helps us to betterunderstand our customers andbuild products that meet theirneeds and expectations.JBL Consumer ProductsTHANK YOU FOR CHOOSING JBL®