CHAPTER 6 – PLACEMENT AND SETUP CONSIDERATIONSThe Project K2 S5800 loudspeakersystem is designed to be lessaffected by room acoustics thanconventional imaging systems.However, it is very sensitive tooverall symmetry, and proximityto walls, ceilings and corners.Ideally, any listening room shouldcontain a combination of live sur-faces (e.g., walls and windows)and absorbent surfaces (e.g.,drapes, carpets, upholstery). If thedistance from floor to ceiling isshort, it is preferable that one sur-face has an absorbent covering.With Project K2 S5800, it is mostimportant to be able to accommo-date the optimum listening area thatis defined by the 60° horizontal/30° vertical coverage pattern ofthe horn.The listener should be centered infront of the speakers and furnitureshould be of an appropriate heightso that when the listener is sitting,the ear level is on a vertical planewith the horn (approximately 32 in/80cm) as illustrated in Figure 2.CAUTION: Project K2 S5800 is amassive system comprising materialschosen for their density, with itsweight concentrated in a relativelynarrow area. Verify the integrity ofthe floor surface before placing andsetting up the speakers. See FloorRequirements.If possible, the distance betweenthe speakers should be the sameas the distance between eachspeaker and the listening area.Angle the speaker in toward thelistener so that when seated, thelistener could look straight into thecenter of the speaker (Figure 7). Asthe distance increases betweenthe speakers, increase the inwardangle of the speaker.The imaging qualities enable thespeakers to be placed relatively farapart from each other. In addition,the low-frequency alignment fea-ture enables placing the speakersnear or even in a corner withoutproducing an overabundance ofbass. This corner placement abilityallows optimum performance evenin small rooms.The Project K2 S5800 system canoperate fairly close to the wall.Allow enough clearance betweenthe back of each speaker and thewall to allow making the connec-tions on the back of the speaker(approximately 2"–3" is sufficient),and to avoid interference with theperformance of the tuned port.Remember that these speakersweigh close to 185 lb (84kg) eachand cannot be easily moved.FLOOR REQUIREMENTSThe floor in the location selectedfor setting up the Project K2 S5800speakers must be capable of sup-porting a load of 185 lb (84kg).Because of the coupling effect ofthe stainless steel feet, a flat, hardsurface such as wood or linoleumis preferable. However, the designof the loudspeaker’s coupling sys-tem, along with the speaker’sextreme weight, should result inexcellent performance on anysurface, even on carpets.To prevent indentations on woodor linoleum floors caused by theweight of the loudspeaker, alwaysutilize the enclosed coasters. Donot set up the Project K2 S5800system directly on a ceramic tilefloor; the concentrated weightmight cause the tiles to crack.Figure 7. Room placement of K2 S5800 speaker system.12