FireLite SLC Wiring Manual — P/N 51309:P4 9/17/2014 15Measuring Resistance & Length Wiring Requirements2.2 Measuring Resistance & Length2.2.1 Two-Wire SLC - Style 4 (Class B)Loop ResistanceT-tapping of the SLC wiring is permitted for 2-wire Style 4 configurations. The total DC resistancefrom the control panel to each branch end cannot exceed 40 ohms. Measure DC resistance asdetailed and shown below:1. With power removed, short the termination point of one branch at a time and measure the DCresistance from the beginning of the SLC to the end of that particular branch.2. Repeat this procedure for all remaining branches in the SLC.Total Wire LengthThe total wire length of all combined branches of one SLC cannot exceed the limits set forth ineach system’s instruction manual. Determine the total length in each SLC by summing the wirelengths of all branches of one SLC.In the following figure, the total length of the SLC is determined by adding the lengths of Branch Aplus Branch B plus Branch C.SLC-meas1.wmfSLC OutBranchShort PointFigure 2.1 Measuring DC Resistance of a Two-Wire SLCBranch A Branch B Branch CSLC-meas2.wmfSLC TerminalBlockFigure 2.2 Measuring the Total Wire Length - Two-Wire SLC