– 67 –SUMMARY OF AUDIBLE & VISUAL NOTIFICATIONSSOUND CAUSE ANNOUNCEMENT*INTERRUPTED FIRE ALARM (3 beeps)ORCARBON MONOXIDE ALARM (4 beeps)fire alarm + zone voice descriptorORCarbon monoxide alarm + zone voice descriptor(Voice descriptor is interlaced with the sounderand sounds every 45 seconds)CONTINUOUS BURGLARY/AUDIBLE EMERGENCYALARMalarm + zone voice descriptor(Voice descriptor is interlaced with the sounderand sounds every 45 seconds)ONE SHORT BEEP(not repeated)a. SYSTEM DISARMb. SYSTEM ARMING ATTEMPT WITH ANOPEN ZONE.c. BYPASS VERIFYa. disarmed–ready to armb. disarmed–not ready to armc. zones bypassedONE SHORT BEEP(once every 45 secs)a. SYSTEM IS IN TEST MODEb. LOW BATTERY AT A TRANSMITTERc. SYSTEM LOW BATTERYd. FAIL TO COMMUNICATEa. no announcementb. low battery + zone voice descriptorc. system low batteryd. check systemTWO SHORTBEEPSARM AWAY armed away [instant] – exit nowTHREE SHORTBEEPSa. ARM STAY OR INSTANTb. ZONE OPENED WHILE SYSTEM IS INCHIME MODE.a. armed stay [instant] – exit nowb. zone voice descriptorRAPID BEEPING a. TROUBLEb. MEMORY OF ALARMa. fault + zone voice descriptorb. fire alarm or alarm + zone voice descriptorSLOW BEEPING a. ENTRY DELAY WARNINGb. EXIT DELAY WARNINGa. disarm system nowb. armed [away] [instant] – exit nowAdditional Announcements:The system will announce the following primary messages, depending on the system’s statusat the time:• Disarmed❬ Ready to Arm [check system]• Disarmed [not ready to arm]• Armed [away] [stay] [instant] [check system] [exit now]The system will announce the following secondary messages, depending on the system’sstatus at the time:• Fire Alarm + zone voice descriptor• Alarm + zone voice descriptor• Carbon Monoxide Alarm + zone voice descriptor• Carbon Monoxide Fault + zone voice descriptor• Fire Fault + zone voice descriptor• Fault + zone voice descriptor Alarm + zone voice descriptor• Low Battery + zone voice descriptor Fire Fault + zone voice descriptor• System Low Battery• Check System• AC Loss• Zones Bypassed• ChimeNote: If there are no secondary messages, the primary status messages will be announced.