2409=TemplateYou must allocate an access template to every user on the system. An accesstemplate is a list of groups and time schedules that govern card access throughdoors and can be assigned to multiple users. The use of access templates reducesprogramming time and complexity. For example, if there are multiple doorsleading into one group or area, then the user is given access to all of those doors inone programming step. Templates are created in option 45.6, and are made up fromthe weekly schedules created in option 65.1.10=Radio FobUse this option to register a keyfob with the system (sub-option 1=Learn Fob).Keyfobs can be assigned to a maximum of 98 users, and can be programmed toset/unset or activate panic alarms, or both. These options may be limited by certainregional restrictions.Card Users (42 ent 2 ent)Use this option to set the tags or cards on the system for various users. There areseven sub-options:1=Add BatchUse this option to start enrolment and display the user/tag for each presentation.When batch enrolling (auto assigning of tags to users), the panel increments theuser number, starting from Batch Start. It does this for every new tag presented atthe DCM assigned in Batch DCM.2=Test BatchUse this option to check the tag number stored at the panel for the current tagpresented at the Batch DCM. It can also be used to go directly to the userprogramming details that are assigned to the presented tag.3=Delete BatchUse this option to remove card numbers from enrolment. A warning is givenbefore deletion.4=Batch StartUse this option to set the first user number in the enrolment.5=Batch EndUse this option to set the last user number in the enrolment.