14Set and unset groupsIt is possible to split the alarm system into separate areas or groups that can be setand unset independently. Users can be assigned: access to any combination of groups, the option to set and unset all their groups together, or the option to chooseindividual groups to set and unset.Set and unset without group choiceTo set and unset without group choice follow the standard procedures on theprevious pages.Set and unset with group choiceSetting is initiated as normal using a code, tag or fob. However, a choice of groupsis then displayed along with the current status of each group.To set and unset with group choice:1. Initiate setting or unsetting as described earlier in the guide.2. Select an option for each group. Press the appropriate group number to cyclethrough the possible options. An example is shown below:The options are:U = UnsetR = ReadyF = Fault (group unset and at least 1 zone is open)S = (flashing) group selected for settingS = (steady) group already set3. Press ent to implement the status shown.If a code, keyfob or tag/card is used while an entry timer is running or an alarm isin progress, the group that is active is unset immediately, without requiring a statuschange on the keypad.SET A12345678Groups URRSSSFF