English (Pages 1-4) Español (Pages 5-8) Italiano (Pages 9-12)Nederlands (Pages 13-16) Français (Pages 17-20) Portugueis (Pages 21-24)Keypad InformationGalaxy MK7 KeypadSetting and Unsetting theSystemHow to Set the SystemNote: Ensure that all the areas protected bymovement detectors are free fromobstructions and all the doors andwindows are secured.To full set the system, key in a valid PersonalIdentification Number (PIN) followed by A >. Thenexit the building.To part set the system, key in a valid PIN followedby < B. Then exit the building or area.Alternatively present a valid prox tag at a proximityreader for 3 seconds. This will activate the prox tag’sfull set or part set function. Then exit the buildingor area.If an alarm, fault or tamper is present on thekeypad’s Liquid Crystal Display (LCD) it must beoverridden before setting the system. Refer to thealarms, faults and tampers paragraph of this quickuser guide.How to Unset the SystemTo unset the system, key in a valid PIN followed byent.Alternatively present a valid prox tag at a proximityreader.Setting the System for GroupsIf group choice is assigned to the user’s PIN, pressthe relative number keys followed by ent to selectthe groups to be set or unset.Alarms, Faults and TampersCancellingTo cancel an alarm, fault or tamper, key in a validPIN followed by ent.Alternatively to cancel an alarm, fault or tamper,present a valid prox tag at a proximity reader.ResettingAfter an alarm, fault or tamper has occurred thesystem must be reset. To reset the system:1. Clear the cause of the alarm, fault ortamper.2. Key in a valid PIN followed by ent orpresent a valid prox tag at a proximityreader (cancelling the alarm, fault ortamper condition).3. View the alarm, fault or tamperconditions on the keypad’s LCD. If thereis more than one condition press the A >key to scroll through them.Galaxy Dimension Quick User GuideWelcome to the Galaxy Dimension Integrated Security System. This document is a quick guide to the commonfunctions that you need to know in order to use the system to protect your property.