20The user has the option to alter the commutation sequence if there was an errorin wiring the motor to the drive. The standard, with a proper wiring connection,performs the following sequence A B C to commutate the motor. The usercan swap phase A and B through the software by setting the sequence to B C A, and essentially reverse the commutation direction. Additionally, thecomplement function can be used to invert the logic of the hall cells to accountfor variances in motor construction.The rotor position quadrant feature is an output which senses the 60 degreecommutation quadrants during a motor rotation. This feature can be used todetermine if the hall cells are correctly wired. Values of 0 to 5 depict a valid hallcode, value of 6 depicts a braking situation where the phases are shorted, and avalue of 7 is invalid.The user may also swap the channels of the encoder if there is an error in wiringas well. A clockwise move is considered when the position counter increments asthe shaft of the motor is turned clockwise when looking down on the front face ofthe motor: Channel A leads channel B and the encoder counts increase.Selecting “B leading A CCW” will reverse this operation without the need torewire the encoder to the drive.Control Loop GainThe control loop gain can be adjusted under “Drive Commands” then “AdjustControl Loop Gain”. Once set, this value will be saved to the non-volatile memoryof the drive and will be utilized for subsequent moves. This gain will allow theuser to adjust how closely the position of the motor is monitored. Increasing thegain will improve dynamic response time but may decrease stability. Effects of asetting which is higher may produce an increased overshoot, oscillations, andlonger settling time to complete the move. Decreasing the gain will increasestability but may result in a more sluggish response. Decreasing this value willeliminate overshoot, oscillations, or minimize settling time.