6IDEA Drive Software BasicsThe Haydon Kerk Motion Solutions brushless IDEA drive and associatedsoftware are a complete package for the easy control of brushless motors withinlinear and rotary systems. This solution provides advanced features for bothimmediate execution as well as user written programs in an extremely userfriendly way. All basic commands are used through intuitively named buttons,and each button and input field is further clarified through tooltips.Realtime ModeBelow is a screenshot of the User interface in the Realtime mode. This mode isonly available when a drive is connected and communicating. A tooltip isdemonstrated over the stop button.In the Realtime mode, each command executed from the “Commands forimmediate execution” section elicits an immediate action from the drive.The program area can display any program currently on the drive. Theseprograms can be run or aborted using the “Run Control” section.