How to Create an Imprint MemoryTo create an imprint memory:1. As supervisor (see How to Log in as Supervisor on page 126 ):Press and type 4 or select the path:Predefined imprint managementThe current list of imprint memories is displayed in the Imprint memories screen.2. Select a line named None in the list.3. Press [OK] to create a new imprint memory.4. Enter the name of the new imprint memory, then press [OK] .5. Enter the preferences, press [OK] to validate and display the next list of parameters,if any.6. Repeat the previous step until the system displays the name of the new imprint memoryin the list.7. You can modify any preference by using the Edit/Del function (see How to Edit /Modify an Imprint Memory on page 153 )How to Edit / Modify an Imprint MemoryTo edit or modify an imprint memory:1. As supervisor (see How to Log in as Supervisor on page 126 ):Press and type 4 or select the path:Predefined imprint management2. Select an imprint memory from the list displayed on the screen.3. Press [OK] to validate.4. Select the menu path Edit (or type 1 )The Imprint memory modification screen is displayed.5. Use the arrows to select the preferences, then press [OK] to modify the parameters.6. Press to exit.8 Configuring your Mailing System153