Harman Kardon DVD 20 Owner's Manual
INTRODUCTION & TERMINOLOGY 3Introduction & TerminologyThank you for choosing the HarmanKardon DVD 20. The DVD 20 is a multipurposeDVD player, capable of playing both DVD discsand conventional CD audio discs with the high-est fidelity. Along with conventional DVD and CDaudio discs, the DVD 20 is also compatible withCD-R and CD-RW as well as VCD discs. Toenable you to get the maximum quality fromDVDs, the DVD 20 is equipped with the latest indesign techniques, including advanced 10-bitvideo digital-to-analog converters (DAC) andVideo (composite), S-Video and RGB video (RGBvia SCART) outputs, to ensure that you get allthe quality inherent in today’s DVD medium. Inaddition, Harman Kardon’s audio heritage con-tinues into the digital video era with audiophile-grade AKM output DACs to ensure that theaudio quality matches the superb video. Ofcourse, both coaxial and optical digital audiooutputs are available for direct connection toA/V receivers or processors so that you may takeadvantage of Dolby Digital* and DTS® sound-tracks. When playing audio CDs, the playbackquality is state-of-the-art, matching that of thefinest players available.A wide range of programming features makes iteasy to program an evening’s worth of enter-tainment. When playing DVDs, easy-to-under-stand on-screen menus and icons make it simpleto change languages, soundtracks, subtitles oraspect ratio, while a parental-lock functionenables you to control which discs may beviewed by younger members of the household.DVD players are among the fastest growing con-sumer electronics products ever brought to mar-ket, but this may, nevertheless, be the first DVDplayer you’ve owned. Although many of the fea-tures of the DVD 20 resemble those of standardCD players, there are a number of functions thatyou may be unfamiliar with. To ensure that youare able to take advantage of all the power andflexibility the DVD 20 has to offer, we encourageyou to review this manual. That small investmentof your time will pay major dividends in theenjoyment you will get from proper use of theDVD 20.If you have additional questions about this prod-uct or its installation or operation that are notanswered in this manual, please contact yourdealer, as he is your best source of local informa-tion.TerminologySince they share some of the characteristics andtechnology of CD players, many of the terms andoperational concepts used in a DVD player aresimilar to what you may be familiar with fromCD players and changers, or older video disc for-mats such as Laser Disc. However, if this is yourfirst DVD product, some of the terms used todescribe the features of a DVD player may beunfamiliar. The following explanations shouldsolve some of the mysteries of DVD, and helpyou to enjoy all the power and flexibility of theDVD format and the DVD 20.Aspect Ratio: This is a description of the widthof a video image in relation to its height. A con-ventional video screen is four units wide forevery three units of height, that’s why the ratiois called ”4.3”. Newer wide aspect ratio videodisplays are 16 units wide for every nine units ofheight, making them more like the screen in amovie theater. The program material on a DVDmay be recorded in either format and, in addi-tion, you may configure the DVD 20 to play backin either format, depending on the featuresrecorded on a disc. (For details about TV AspectRatio see page 18).Title: For a DVD, a title is defined as an entiremovie or program. There can be as many chap-ters within a title as the producers decide toinclude. Most discs include only one title, butsome may have more than one, to give you a“Double Feature” presentation. Press the TITLE.button on the remote to see the Menu of theDVD where you can find all titles available onthe DVD or all chapters, if the disc has only onetitle.Chapter: DVD programs are divided into chap-ters and titles. Chapters are the sub-sectionsprogrammed into a single title on a disc.Chapters may be compared to the individualtracks on an audio CD.RGB Video: This is a new form of video signalthat eliminates many of the artifacts of tradition-al composite video signals by splitting the signalinto the three fundamental colors Red, Greenand Blue (RGB). With an RGB connection (viaSCART), you will see greater picture resolutionand eliminate many picture imperfections suchas the moiré patterns often seen on checkeredpatterned cloths. However, in order to benefitfrom RGB video, you must have a video displaywith an RGB compatible SCART input.Multiple Angle: DVDs have the capability toshow up to four different views of the samescene in a program. When a disc is encoded withmultiple-angle information, pressing the Anglebutton will enable you to switch between thesedifferent views. Note that at present, few discstake advantage of this capability and, when theydo, the multiple-angle technology may only bepresent for short periods of time within the disc.Producers will usually insert some sort of icon orgraphic in the picture to alert you to the avail-ability of multiple viewing angles.Reading: This is a message that you will seeafter you´ve loaded the disc and the tray hasclosed. It refers to the fact that the player mustfirst examine the contents of the disc to see if itis a CD or DVD, and then extract the informationabout the type of material on the disc, such aslanguages, aspect ratios, subtitles, number oftitles and more. The slight delay while the con-tents of the disc are read is normal.Resume: The operation of the Stop Button onthe DVD 20 works differently from what you areused to on CD players. On a traditional CD play-er, when you press the Stop button, the unitdoes just that: it stops playback. On a CD player,when you press the start button again, the discstarts from the beginning. With the DVD 20,however, you have two options when playingDVD discs. Pressing Stop once will stop play-back, but it actually puts the unit in the Resumemode. This means that you can turn the machineoff and, when you press play the next time, thedisc will resume or continue from the point onthe disc where the Stop button was pressed. Thisis helpful if you are watching a movie and mustinterrupt your viewing session but wish to pickup where you left off. Pressing the Stop buttontwice will stop the machine in a traditional man-ner and, when the disc is played again, it willstart from the beginning. |
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