PLAYING DVD DISCS 23Playing DVD Discs Shortcut: You also can choose the audio lan-guage/track any time by pressing AUDIO onthe remote control, regardless of whether theBanner Display is on the screen or not.Changing the Subtitle LanguageDVD discs may contain a variety of subtitles. Innormal play, the unit will always look for thedefault setting for the subtitle language, but youmay temporarily change that language at anytime using the Menu Status Bar or the SUBTITLEbutton on the remote and by following thesesteps:1. While a disc is playing, press STATUS on theremote.2. Press the ARROW (LEFT OR RIGHT) until theSubtitle icon (the letter ”S”) is highlighted.Press ENTER, the Subtitle menu appears.3. Press ENTER on the remote to change subtitlelanguage.4. Each time SUBTITLE ON/OFF is pressed, thesubtitle appears (and a check mark icon to theright of the Subtitle menu as confirmation) ordisappears on the screen.5. To make the menu disappear from the screen,press CLEAR or STATUS on the remote.Notes : If you press SUBTITLE on remote even if thereis no Banner Display on screen, subtitle menuof current disc appears, pressing repeatedlywill change subtitle language. The subtitle feature only works if the disc wascreated with subtitles.Changing the Camera AngleA special feature of the DVD format is its capabil-ity of showing more than one view, or cameraangle, of the same scene. This feature enablesyou to become the director, selecting the view ofa scene that you wish. Note, however, that thisfeature does not appear on many discs and,when it does appear, it will typically be for onlycertain scenes and not for the entire disc’s pro-gram.To see if a disc contains multiple angles, checkthe disc’s cover or jacket. When a disc does con-tain scenes with multiple angles, the producerswill usually include some sort of special on-screenicon to alert you to the availability of differentangles of view.When you see such an icon, the angle may bechanged by the following steps:1. While a disc is playing, press STATUS on theremote, the Banner Display appears.2. Press the ARROW (LEFT OR RIGHT) until theCamera icon is highlighted, and press ENTER,the Angle menu appears.3. Press ENTER or ANGLE on the remote tochange angle.4. To make the Banner Display disappear fromthe screen, press CLEAR or STATUS on theremote. Shortcut: The Angle menu can be called any-time, regardless of whether Banner Display ison or not, by pressing the ANGLE button onthe remote, pressing repeatedly will changethe angle (if disc was created with multipleangles).Using BookmarksBookmarks are a feature of the DVD 20 thatallows you to mark up to nine different points ona disc and to quickly return to those points later.The Bookmarks feature works on both DVD andCD discs.To Enter a Bookmark, Follow These Steps:1. While a disc is playing, press STATUS on theremote.2. Use the ARROW (LEFT) on the remote until theMark icon is highlighted and press ENTER, theBookmark menu appears.3. When you reach the scene you want to mark,press ENTER.4. To add any mark, move the cursor with theARROW (DOWN) to the ”Mark” line (if not soalready), then move it to any free frame withthe ARROW (RIGHT) and press ENTER whenthe scene you want to mark is reached.5. Move the cursor to the book icon (very right)and press ENTER to return to the BannerDisplay or press CLEAR or STATUS on theremote to make the Banner Display disappearfrom the screen.Recalling a Bookmarked Scene:1. While playing a disc, press STATUS on theremote, the Banner Display appears.2. Press the ARROW (LEFT) on the remote, theMark icon is highlighted.3. Press ENTER.4. Press the ARROW (UP) on the remote to moveto the ”Go To” line of the Bookmark menu.5. Use the ARROW (LEFT OR RIGHT) on theremote to select the bookmarked scene youwant to activate.6. Press ENTER to go to the bookmark.7. Move the cursor to the book icon (very right)and press ENTER to return to the BannerDisplay. To make the Banner Display disappearfrom the screen, press CLEAR or STATUS onthe remote.Note: If all 9 bookmarks are in use, you can stillmark new scenes, but the previous bookmarkswill be erased.Clearing a BookmarkThe bookmarks are cleared each time a disc isremoved from the player or when the power isturned off (completely or to Standby).