Page 48TYPE NUMBER DESCRIPTIONAUTO HEAT/COOL 1 Automatic changeover heat and cool thermostatHEAT/COOL 2 Manual changeover heat and cool thermostatHEAT ONLY 3 Heating only thermostatCOOL ONLY 4 Cooling only thermostatSETPOINT ONLY 5 Setpoint only thermostatZ-WAVE THERMOSTAT NODE IDIf Z-Wave Thermostats are part of the system, the Node ID for the thermostat must be associated (mapped) with the specifiedthermostat address in the Omni IIe controller.TSTAT 1 NODE ID: 00-232 ¦THROUGHTSTAT 4 NODE ID: 00-232 ↑Enter the Node ID (0-232) for each Z-Wave thermostat followed by the ' # ' key.Enter 0 if there is no node associated to the specified thermostat.SETUP MISCELLANEOUSTo configure the miscellaneous Installer Setup items, from the Installer Setup menu, press the 6 (MISC) key.INSTALLER CODEThe Installer code allows the installer access to the Installer Setup menu. The Installer code should be changed and not given tothe customer. The Installer code cannot be used for remote phone access.INSTALLER CODE:0000-9999 0000=DISABLE↓The default setting for the Installer code is 1 1 1 1.NOTE:Remember this Installer code and do not disable. There is no way to reset or retrieve the code! If the code is forgotten ordisabled, the Omni IIe controller must be sent back to the factory. Call for an RA#.ENABLE PC ACCESSThis enables or disables the PC ACCESS feature. Factory default is enabled.ENABLE PC ACCESS: 10=NO 1=YES ¦