Page 9TELEPHONE CONNECTIONS1. If an RJ31X jack has been supplied by the telephone company, it is probably wired correctly and the controller can beconnected by plugging the supplied 8 conductor telephone cable into the RJ31X jack. The other end of the cable is spaded.The green, red, brown, and gray wires must be connected to the controller at the designated terminals under the section of theboard marked 'PHONE'.2. If required, install the supplied RJ31X jack as shown in the following diagram. The polarity must be correct for properoperation of the phone access feature.3. IT IS IMPERATIVE THAT THE PHONE LINE COMING INTO THE HOUSE BE CONNECTED TO A GROUNDEDSURGE ARRESTOR OUTSIDE THE PREMISES. IT IS THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE TELEPHONE COMPANYTO PROVIDE THIS SURGE ARRESTOR.4. INSPECT THE INCOMING PHONE LINES. THE FIRST THING THAT THEY SHOULD GO TO IS A SMALL BOXON THE OUTSIDE OF THE PREMISES. THERE SHOULD BE A HEAVY GROUND WIRE COMING FROM THISBOX GOING TO A COLD WATER PIPE OR A SEPARATE GROUNDING ROD.5. IF THERE IS NO SURGE ARRESTOR OR IF THE GROUND WIRE IS MISSING, HAVE THE CUSTOMER INSISTTHAT THE TELEPHONE COMPANY INSTALL ONE FOR THE SAFETY OF THE CUSTOMER.6. WHEN WIRING A RJ31X JACK, MAKE SURE THAT THE INCOMING PHONE LINES GO TO THE TELEPHONECOMPANY SURGE ARRESTOR BEFORE THEY GO TO THE RJ31X JACK.7. When the RJ31X is installed as shown, locate the green, red, brown, and gray spaded wires from the 8 conductor phone cableand connect to the section on the Omni IIe controller marked 'PHONE'. Plug the modular end of the cable into the RJ31Xjack. If necessary, bend the tab up on the plug to ensure a tight fit that will not fall out.8. Verify the following if you have trouble during check out: With the system running, the RJ31X jack properly connected andall phones on-hook (hung up), the PHONE LED, located in the upper left corner of the controller, should be OFF. If it is on,reverse the RED and GREEN wires to both the house phones and the telephone company wires at the RJ31X jack. When thereceiver is picked up on any phone, the PHONE LED will come on. When the phone line rings, the PHONE LED will light.9. If the Omni IIe is accessed on an in house telephone, the Omni IIe will disconnect the phones from the phone company linesand supply its own talk voltage to the phones. The PHONE LED will be on in this case.10. Refer to FIGURE 5 (RJ31X JACK CONNECTIONS) for this configuration.DIGITAL SUBSCRIBER LINE (DSL) CONNECTIONSWhen the Omni IIe is connected to a Digital Subscriber Line (DSL), a DSL Splitter must be used to provide separate outputs forfiltered voice (phone) and DSL (data). Splitting the voice and data is necessary because:1. The higher frequencies of the DSL signal must not pass through the Omni IIe controller. It can cause problems with theDTMF detection and the digital dialer.2. Whenever the Omni IIe is accessed on an in house telephone, the Omni IIe will disconnect the phones from the phonecompany lines (in this case the DSL line). When that occurs, the DLS connection is temporarily lost.Refer to FIGURE 6 (DSL SPLITTER CONNECTIONS) for this configuration.