Page 46BUTTONS 33-40 AREAS:1 2 0=CLR ¦BUTTONS 41-48 AREAS:1 2 0=CLR ¦BUTTONS 49-56 AREAS:1 2 0=CLR ¦BUTTONS 57-64 AREAS:1 2 0=CLR ↑SETUP AREAS: CONSOLESTo assign consoles to areas, from the Setup Areas menu, press the 4 (CONS) key.Each console must be assigned to one and only one area. A console may be set to global, which allows it to access areas otherthan its assigned area through security arming and the "go to" function.CONSOLE 1 AREA: 11-2 ↓CONSOLE 1 GLOBAL: 10=NO 1=YES ¦THROUGHCONSOLE 8 AREA: 11-2 ¦CONSOLE 8 GLOBAL: 10=NO 1=YES ↑SET-UP AREAS: THERMOSTATSTo assign thermostats to specific areas, from the Set-up Areas menu, press the 5 (TEMP) key.Thermostats can be set up so that they can only be controlled from a specific area or from all areas. PESMs and TemperatureSensors can only be controlled from a single area, as specified in SETUP AREAS.THERMOSTAT 1 AREAS:1 2 0=CLR ↓THROUGHTHERMOSTAT 4 AREAS:1 2 0=CLR ↑SETUP AREAS: MESSAGESTo assign messages to specific areas, from the Setup Areas menu, press the 8 (MSG) key.Messages can be setup so that they can be displayed in a specific area or in all areas.MESSAGES 1-8 AREAS:1 2 0=CLR ↓MESSAGES 9-16 AREAS:1 2 0=CLR ¦