3. IMPORTANT SAFETY INFORMATION83.4 TRANSPORTING:ATTENTION!Please follow scrupulously the highway code in force in the area of use.During moves on public roads, it is obligatory to empty the hopper.● Remember that during moving on public roads, special attention must be done, besides topossible and special regulations noted on the registration book of the tractor, choosing anappropriate speed especially when the street is crowded, winding or sloping.● If the spreader hides with its shape the back signaling lights of the tractor, it is necessary toput a lights bar and/or some back signaling signs.ATTENTION!During the moving on the road, the warning flasher, yellow or orange,assembled on the tractor must always be in function also during the day.ATTENTION!During transport with raised machine, please always check that thecontrol lever of the rear hitch is locked, in order to avoid the accidentallowering of the machine.